Category Archives: Raw
Raw, unpolished thoughts and draft materials. Work in progress would be a fitting title too…
Patents and why I hate them
Porn again
With the onslaught of internet opinions/articles/news sources it gets harder to distinguish those genuine and unbiased or technically accurate from those that are not.
Considering that Internet is nothing else but an “enormous international database of naked bottoms.“ (as per Steve from Coupling) I felt like following Jeff’s from that very same episode:
Jeff: Well, it’s kind of hard to tell isn’t it ‘cos you tend to fast forward if anyone’s dressed. Sometimes I forget and do that with proper films. I can get through a lot of movies in an evening.
So reading articles I find myself skipping right to the comments section.
DRM and what does it really mean to you
- taking French course at Athabasca University and having to deal with “online-only” materials, hard-to-rip discs. Now take a look at prices too.
- reading books on eBook with Adobe digital editions
Do no evil, see no evil, hear no evil
There was a lot of co incidents lately: me reading Slavoj Žižek, BBC quoting Marx, Adbusters quoting Marx statistics on crazy people percentile in a capitalist society going up over time and confirmed by WHO.
following Slashdot’s article ( and reading through FreeSoftwareMagazine ( ) which really comes as no surprise after “Google joins California Do-Not-Track opposition lobby” ( ) and that is all summed up in Adbusters (more precisely in Jennifer Egan’s novel “Look at me”):
…The narrative of industrial America began with rationalization of objects through standardization, abstraction and mass production, and has concluded with the rationalization of human beings through marketing, public relations, image consulting and spin…
sor while Corporations like google argue for transparency what we have in our back-yard is “New Wikileaks Docs Show Ex-Minister Bernier Offered To Leak Copyright Bill to U.S.” ( ) and “Libyan papers ‘show CIA and MI6 links'” (
Facebook cleans up compromised accounts = people losing data/money
Explore facebook as means of avoiding reality and global issues making “self”/ego the focus of everything.
coincidence? South parks episode about loss of internet.
Narcissists thrive in big, anonymous cities, entertainment-related fields (think reality TV), and leadership situations where they can dazzle and dominate others without having to cooperate or suffer the consequences of a bad reputation.
Does growth of Narcisism reflect tendency to outsource? Narcisism is linked to leadership skills – need to dazzle and depend on others for positive feedback, when entire society is geared towards outsourcing, everybody is a “manager of X” – since all day long you try to concentrate attention of others on yourself, wouldn’t you develop Narcisistic traits?
It appears that narcissists seek out people who maintain their high positive self-image, at the same time intentionally avoiding and putting down people who may give them a harsh dose of realism.
and another one:
“In the long run it becomes difficult because others won’t applaud them, so they always have to search for new acquaintances from whom they get the next fix.” This could explain why narcissists so frequently change their social contexts and maintain only weak ties to others.
and another one:
The whiplash combination of parental coldness and excessive parental admiration is more strongly related to maladaptive narcissism than is either attitude alone.
wtf is twittergate???
Sun Tzu “The art of war”
Subtle! Subtle!
To the point of formlessness.
Spiritlike! Spiritlike!
To the point of sounlessness.
Thus o.e can be enemie’s fate star.
Open sources
I am biased. You should know it by now. You should also know who influences my biases. The sources of my biases start with my parents who taught me to be responsible and independant. My mom’s care for us, her lifestyle rubbed off on me one way or another. My dad’s persistence and dedication to principles and his words: “invest your time and money in people first of all” are the things that guided my decisions. And then I grew up. Didn’t change my attitude but I have sharpened it’s edges with works of Machiavelli, Sun Tsu, Naomi Klein, Neitzche, Richard Stallman, Slavoj Zizek and multitude of other people. Now I know where I stand (well, at least today I do) and what I stand for. I have learned to aim high to shoot farther, lose form to fight chaos and uncertainty, see bigger picture hiding behind small events, understand the philosophy that propels corporations, and to stand alone.
Software industry, disaster capitalism and… wait… Microsoft!
I’m not sure whether anybody is paying attention, but it looks like lately there is a ton of mounting evidence that Naomi Klein’s “disaster capitalism” is in fact the new base standard for any form of capitalism.
Let’s examine some evidence. Let’s see what Slavoj Zyzek says on this account:
…we are now entering a period in which a kind of economic state of emergency is becoming permanent: turning into a constant, a way of life. It brings with it the threat of far more savage austerity measures, cuts in benefits, diminishing health and education services and more precarious employment.
Naomi’s own words:
What we have been living for three decades is frontier capitalism, with the frontier constantly shifting location from crisis to crisis, moving on as soon as the law catches up.
Now after a bit of thinking this is the exact model Software Industry employed. Industry creates it’s own disasters to profit selling means to clean up the aftermath. Case in point: Antivirus industry. Where it started is with Microsoft and alike who were too busy pumping out new products to pay any attention to fixing existing ones. It’s like hitchhiking on a runaway train – you climb aboard for a ride when it’s moving slow but then after a while you can’t jump off – it’s moving too fast and you can’t really stay because you know tracks end someplace… So Microsoft software was buggy and full of holes which were instantly exploited by virus/trojan-makers. Instead of Microsoft plugging those holes – we saw the rise of industry responding to those problems: Antivirus. After that one took off there was no stopping it: Microsoft became partners with those same companies now they can’t screw them over and all of sudden fix everything, and why would they – nobody pays for increased security – people are conditioned to pay for “new and shiny”. So now this hydra has 2 heads, but it gets better: spammers catch on and we see the rise of botnets. Botnets provide the means for bruteforce attacks of systems that are otherwise well-protected. And you’ve got yourself third head. That monster is growing and heads multiplying.
Now look at this from the user perspective: user by now is conditioned that his/her machine is in constant state of “disaster” and doesn’t mind that state anymore since they don’t know it could be any better. Which only strengthen position of monopolies of Software Industry. If you look close enough – every “big player” plays by that book: Oracle, IBM, SAP, etc. It’s all covered by “to err is human” logo which in fact covers the ugly truth: features sell, security doesn’t.
Which is where Open Source enters the scene. Lets make a ridiculous assumption that Microsoft was producing Open Source OS to begin with. What’s the point for Antivirus companies to produce Antivirus if they can go straight to MS code and fix the vulnerability in the first place? Now for Microsoft it’s “bad business” for two reasons: somebody fixed their code and proved they know nothing about what they do, and they killed off a potential branch of “partner companies” that otherwise could feed Microsoft. So instead of spending money on fixes, code control etc. they are actually earning money by extending their partnerships and keeping an image of impenetrable corporate entity.
On closer examination Software Industry doesn’t follow capitalist ideas anymore (moreso than any other industry). Current techniques employed by software industry are more totalitarian, something that is indeed dear and near to any disaster capitalist. Corporations do not compete anymore – they are too busy screwing each other:
Behind Microsoft’s $15 Samsung Android royalty claim
What is Microsoft doing suing companies producing Android-based devices? It’s the most blatant racketeering scheme of them all. Nobody ever saw MS claims, defendants are not the ones in position to argue since they are not the one building the platform – they are merely hooked on it. It is cheaper for them to just pay off MS so that they can get back to building handsets and other devices.
Y'all Seen Dexter's Laboratory?
Long time ago, when western culture started pouring into Eastern Europe I enjoyed watching Cartoon Channel and one of the shows in particular – Dexter’s Laboratory. Something about this show tickled my geek side in a right way. Then TV died, then we moved to another country, then… I lost track of it.
A couple of years ago people around me started mentioning new show – Dexter and all that was appearing in my mind was "Dexter’s Laboratory" – lots of test-tubes, computers, lasers and crazy sister ruining brilliant experiments every time – kind of like Road-Runner’s Zen. I imagined "grown-up" version of Dexter and his sister running through the same routine over-and-over-and-over again.
The Killer Inside Me – Dexter meets big screen big time